Time to Save More Weight!
Upright Updates
Despite the team missing out on the 2020 Formula Student UK Competition due to COVID-19, all departments have been granted an opportunity to invest more time into optimising their components. The WHUBS team are a great example of this refinement period where a great deal of time has been spent reducing the mass of the upright. This component is responsible for housing the bearings and hub and experiences high dynamic loading. To keep the mass to a minimum, the upright is machined from high-grade aluminium alloy with an excellent strength-weight ratio, an ideal material for such a component. With the goal of transitioning to integrated tripod joints in the hubs, the upright has grown significantly in size since 2019 and we cannot wait to see how far the team can go with the upright currently coming in at below 300g!

Maintaining your Mental Health
As Sheffield enters Tier 3 restrictions, some of the anxiousness many of us felt as we entered lockdown in March may have begun to return. We at SHU Racing feel that mental health is something that should be prioritised by everyone and over the coming months will be doing what we can to support our team and its wider community through these unsettling times!
Sheffield Hallam University has an excellent wellbeing service available to its students that can provide information and advice to support your psychological wellbeing whilst studying. There is a whole array of information available on topics such as anxiety, sleep, how to get the support you need and many more. There is also links specifically to information about mental health and how COVID-19 may have affected it. To visit the student wellbeing website please use the following link; https://www.shu.ac.uk/wellbeing
Alternatively, you may prefer to talk with other people about how you are feeling. Together all is an online service providing access to millions of people suffering with common mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. It is managed by clinicians so people with moderate needs can communicate anonymously whilst also offering support to higher need individuals. To start using together all, please click here; https://togetherall.com/en-gb/
Please don’t suffer in silence, help is always available.
Meet the Team
Meet the Team is an opportunity for us to give you a chance to learn a little more about the people who make up SHU Racing. This week, we welcome our new Steering Manager, Ewan Ridley. Ewan is in charge of developing the steering system for SHU Racing this year. His main focus will be on the steering rack and improving the feel of the steering.

Name: Ewan Ridley
Age: 32
Course: Meng Mechanical Engineering
Role: Steering Manager
Number of years with the Team: 4
Hobbies and Interests: Walking, Climbing, Binge Watching wicked series, Modifying Cars, Designing & making stuff
Favourite Car: Datsun 240Z
Dream Job: Racing Driver
Reasons for Joining SHU Racing: Great to work on a team project that is interesting and exciting and enjoy the process of designing, refining, building and testing. Really interested in Vehicle Dynamics and want to hone my skills in this area.