The Monocoque is HERE!!
After 8 months of continuous hard work and effort, we are pleased to announce that we have hit the major milestone of SHU Racing’s first composite monocoque and a first for any Yorkshire Formula Student. Many hours have gone into calculating the lamina configuration, mould prep and laminating and the team couldn’t be happier with the outcome. Now that the chassis is here, we are very much looking forward to bolting up major components and cracking on with car build! We'd like to say a huge thank you to our sponsors over at DJ Race Cars for allowing us to use their autoclave as without them this wouldn't have been possible!

We have had some very impressive first-year engineering students this year, of which one has spent a big portion of his weeks building our engine test rig. This will be used so that our Electrical department can map out a mock loom that can be taken away and replicated on the workbench. Once the loom is fabricated and the testbed is functioning, our Powertrain department will use it to record the frequencies and current sound levels of the exhaust system so that they can design a custom exhaust that meets the regulated sound level limits.
As always, stay tuned and make sure you follow our Instagram account and subscribe to our YouTube channel linked below.
Meet the Team!
Meet the Team is an opportunity for us to give you a chance to learn a little more about the people who make up SHU Racing. This week, we welcome a member of our Powertrain department, Dan.

Name: Dan Choudhury
Age: 20
Course: Mechanical Engineering MEng L4
Role: Powertrain team member
Number of years on the team: 1
Hobbies and interests: Squash, Music Producing, Climbing
Favourite car: A toss up between a classic - Jaguar E Type or something modern - Mercedes SLS Black series
Reason for joining SHU Racing: To broaden my understanding of what it takes to be an engineer and gain practical hands on experience. Working alongside similarly interested team members who share the same passions and goals is something I have enjoyed and look forward to continuing in the coming years.